Federally Administered Tribal Areas

The World

Winter weather challenges in Afghanistan and Pakistan


Major General Rashid Qureshi says the Pakistani military is hoping to reclaim South Waziristan from militants before the harsh conditions set in. Captain Jared Wilson tells us about the challenges of winter from a U.S serviceman’s point of view.

The World

Taliban Leader: Dead or Alive?

Global Politics
The World

Pakistan’s Enemy No. 1, Dead?

The World

An American Drone Strike Kills 50 in Pakistan

The World

Pakistan’s most wanted reported killed

Global Politics
The World

Pakistan could be losing ground to the Taliban

Global Politics

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with the BBC’s Aamer Ahmed Khan about the battle between the Pakistani army and Taliban militants for control of two key areas along the border with Afghanistan. The army has launched an offensive to get the Taliban out of the region, but so far the militants have maintained a firm and […]

The World

Pakistan’s battle against extremism

Global Politics

Pakistan is struggling in its battle against extremists on its soil. This weekend’s attack against a big hotel in Islamabad made it clear that the battle is not limited to the border regions near Afghanistan.