
Farmworkers in a field

Farmworkers are now deemed essential. But are they protected?


An estimated 2.5 million farmworkers across the United States are now deemed essential workers — exempt from shelter-in-place restrictions to keep the country’s food supply flowing. Yet at a time when social distancing and careful sanitizing are necessary safeguards against exposure to the coronavirus, little has been done to protect farmworkers.

Workers wash and dry chopped lettuce at a Taylor Farms processing plant in Salinas, California on September 10, 2019. In recent years, the company has started incorporating automation in its facility.

How immigrant workers are preparing for automation in agriculture

Global Nation Education
Farm book

What’s it like to be a migrant farmworker? One anthropologist lived and worked alongside them.

Paul C. Lo is the first Hmong-American federal judge in history. He came to Colorado when he was 11 years old.

The first Hmong American judge didn’t always acknowledge his roots

Lifestyle & Belief

Jobs scarce, more Italians volunteering on organic farms

The changing face of farming in America

Global Politics

“Boutique” farming is a hot trend, and more and more, women and minorities are running these farms.

A farm in a pickup truck

Two documentary filmmakers plant vegetables in the back of a pickup truck to show that food can be grown just about anywhere.

The World

The Grass is Greener

Dairy herds aren’t getting out to pasture much any more. In recent decades, farmers have been keeping the barn doors shut, preferring to feed grain to their cows to increase their milk output. But farmers in Vermont are challenging the conventional wisdom with a practice called management intensive grazing. The technique is turning out to […]

The World

Truck Farm

Gardens can be grown virtually anywhere, and two of New York City’s most creative farmers are proving it ?growing vegetables out of the back of a 1986 Dodge pickup truck.

The World

Food prices and the dairy farmer

The Takeaway talks with Howard about how the prices of fuel and the prices of grain (corn, soybeans) affect the price of Hatchland Dairy milk at the retailer. Guest: Howard Hatch, a dairy farmer at Hatchland Dairy, North Haverhill, New Hampshire.