Family therapy

Rape in India enhances awareness, leads to tough conversations in U.S.

Conflict & Justice

The deadly rape in India late last year has increased awareness among immigrants in the United States about the dangers of domestic and sexual violence, activists say. But especially with immigrants, there are a number of barriers for women who choose to speak out.

Senate poised to renew Violence Against Women Act; House remains a hurdle

Global Politics

The Army’s new approach to mental health

Health & Medicine

Despite Sequester, Feds Award Grants to Prevent Domestic Abuse Homicides

Will the Violence Against Women Act Pass the Senate?

Rape in India Triggers More Awareness in the US

Conflict & Justice

Talk of harassment and violence in India has prompted discussions among South Asian immigrants about how that violence is sometimes exported to the United States.

House Allows Violence Against Women Act to Expire

In the midst of the fiscal cliff negotiations, Congress allowed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to expire.   President Clinton signed VAWA into law in 1994, and Congress reauthorized the Act twice with broad bipartisan support. In its eighteen years of existence, VAWA has provided $4.7 billion for training police, prosecutors, health care  professionals  and many others […]

Risk Assessment Model Helps Predict Domestic Violence Homicide

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the federal legislation aimed at ending violence against women and supporting victims of violence, is up for reauthorization this year. The Senate is debating the law this week.  While VAWA has served countless women since President Clinton signed it into law, the rate of domestic violence homicides has remained virtually […]

Once Bipartisan, Violence Against Women Act Now Faces Political Fight

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the federal legislation aimed at ending violence against women and supporting victims of violence, is up for reauthorization this year. Senate Democrats plan to begin the push for reauthorization today. The original bill, passed in 1994, enjoyed strong support from both sides of the aisle. This year, Republican critics […]