Extraordinary rendition

Man mistaken by U.S. officials for terrorist wins human rights case

Conflict & Justice

A European court last week gave some measure of justice to a a German man who was mistakenly believed to be an al-Qaeda terrorist, then kidnapped and tortured, supposedly at the behest of the U.S. government. But U.S. officials remain silent about the case.

Historic CIA rendition case back in lime light with appeal

Global Politics

Why an Ex-CIA Official was Detained in Panama

Global Politics

Hollywood and Terrorism

Arts, Culture & Media

US Criticized in Europe on Torture and Rendition Cases

Global Politics
The World

How the CIA Rendition Program Was Carried Out

Global Politics

A lawsuit involving two American aviation companies is revealing details about how the CIA’s rendition program was carried out.

Egypt’s Role in Extraordinary Rendition

Global Politics

To explain this relationship between Egypt and the U.S. is James Risen, reporter for The New York Times and author of “State of War: The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration.”