Extinct birds

Scientists working to de-extinct some of nature’s missing species


It may sound like science fiction, but it may be closer to science fact. A coalition of researchers are trying to use cloning to bring extinct animals, like the passenger pigeon, back from the dead. Meanwhile, some scientists are worried this will distract from efforts to preserve still-living species.

The Journey of the Great Auk

The Living on Earth Almanac

The Great Auk

The World

A Gap in Nature

A Gap in Nature

In the first of an occasional series, we hear about an animal that is no more. We begin with the mamo, a Hawaiian bird known for its beautiful feathers.

To the Edge and Back

Scott Weidensaul has hiked through forests and swamps to bring back the dead  ? dead species, that is. He’s written a book on the search for extinct species, from the famed Ivory-billed to the secretive Semper’s Warbler. He talks with host Steve Curwood about his book “The Ghost with Trembling Wings: Science, Wishful Thinking, and […]