Environmental health

Javier picks cherries

Researchers explore a pesticide link to asthma in farmworkers’ children


When Azul was five, doctors finally figured out the little girl had asthma. That’s become a big problem among children of farm workers, says Dr. Catherine Karr of the University of Washington. 

Shale gas pipes

Fracking is on the rise in Pennsylvania. So are radon levels. Are the two connected?


WIFI causes headaches, chronic pain for some

Health & Medicine

WHO reverses policy on DDT to control malaria

Health & Medicine

School Poisoning Provides Window into India’s Pesticide Problem

Conflict & Justice

“Silent Spring Turns” 50

50 years after Rachel Carson wrote “Silent Spring” pesticides like DDT have been banned in the United States but we still use a cocktail of other dangerous chemicals.

West Virginia Provides Haven for People ‘Allergic’ to WIFI

For some Americans, WIFI is more than just an annoyance  –  it’s a source of health problems. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a term for a range of symptoms that sufferers feel when they are exposed to electromagnetic fields, including acute headaches, skin irritation and chronic pain. It’s as if they are allergic to wireless technology. For some, the […]

Pesticides’ Influence on IQ

Three papers published in Environmental Health Perspectives document the deleterious effects of organophosphate pesticides on children’s IQ levels. One study, from UC Berkeley, focused on agricultural workers’ children in Salinas, California. Host Bruce Gellerman talks to epidemiologist Brenda Eskenazi, the lead author of the UC Berkeley study.

Pesticides Influence on IQ

Three papers published recently in Environmental Health Perspectives document the deleterious effects of organophosphate pesticides on children’s IQ levels.

The Problem with Perchlorate

The Centers for Disease Control has released a new study revealing the dangers of low-level exposure to the chemical perchlorate, found in drinking water in dozens of states.