Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination

The World

Sen. Sessions spars with Kagan during first day of questioning

Conflict & Justice

In her first day of questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan had a nearly 20-minute back-and-forth debate with ranking Republican Senator Jeff Sessions. Todd Zwillich, who was in the Senate chamber recaps.

The World

Elena Kagan fields questions: campaign finance,military recruits, second amendment

Global Politics
The World

Listeners respond: is Elena Kagan a good Supreme Court pick?

Conflict & Justice
The World

Glimpses into the life of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice
The World

How Elena Kagan would change the Supreme Court’s diversity makeup

Conflict & Justice
The World

Conservative objections to Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice

We talk to two conservative legal experts about Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, and listen to their opposing opinions on two issues that are sure to have critics talking.

The World

The ‘unknowable’ Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice

There is still a lot that is unknown about President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan. The question remains as to whether her positions as solicitor general can tell us what she’d be like as a Supreme Court judge.

The World

Adam Liptak on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice

The biggest issue facing Elena Kagan may be the fact that she’s never been a judge.

The World

Obama to nominate Elena Kagan to Supreme Court

Conflict & Justice

Later this morning, President Obama will nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. If confirmed, she would be the third woman on the court.