Electronic Arts

Digital’s economy of free

Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of ‘Wired’ on the digital economy of free and its repercussions for content creators.

“Spore” video game creator Will Wright

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Aha Moment: Gentleman’s Agreement

Global Politics

Your Take: Government Shutdown and Essential Jobs

The World

Libya and The Great (Viral) Game

Good Earthkeeping Seal of Approval

Starting this fall, some products will sport a blue globe with a bright green check mark. It’s called the Greenseal. Steve talks with Greenseal CEO Denis Hayes, who chaired Earth Day 1990.

The World

Google, Kan., woos search company with new town name

How far would you go to get a potential employer’s attention? Topeka has officially, temporarily changed its name to “Google Kansas ? the Capital of Fiber Optics,” in a bid to become the test location for a new ultra-fast internet connection.

The World

Anticipating holiday shopping: behind the numbers

We take a quick look at some of the numbers soon to affect consumers this holiday season. Is there an emerging sense of stability among shoppers that we didn’t have last year?
We also discuss President Obama’s proposed “jobs summit.”

The World

Poor economy hits younger and older workers

In the current economy, both younger and older people are finding it harder to get, or keep, a job. According to BusinessWeek, only 46 percent of people aged 16 to 24 had jobs last month. The Takeaway looks at the role of age in the workplace.

The World

A bum economy continues to trickle down to small businesses

Jim Svetz founded a coffeehouse franchise in Upstate New York. Now he’s out of a job.