Edwardian era

Up-close photo of the golden chest featured in the treasure hunt, “The Golden Treasure of the Entente Cordiale."

Treasure hunts — they’re not just for pirates

Arts, Culture & Media

In France, an antique collector has buried two halves of a key that will unlock a golden casket worth nearly $1 million. Find out how the “The Golden Treasure of the Entente Cordiale” treasure hunt hails back to the days of King Edward VII.

Mission Impossible, Sherlock Holmes, Carnage, all hit the big screens this weekend

Arts, Culture & Media

The evolution of Sherlock Holmes

Arts, Culture & Media

CD sales droop, vinyl makes comeback

Arts, Culture & Media

How Fiat could save Chrysler

Did a Mirage Sink the Titanic?

The sinking of the Titanic has long been considered a colossal human failure – a preventable disaster caused largely by ineptitude and misjudgement.   A new theory from one British Titanic historian, however, suggests that highly unusual weather conditions are to blame instead. Tim Matlin is the author of three books about the Titanic. His latest, […]

The World

Sherlock’s Archive

Arts, Culture & Media

Where would you expect to find the world’s largest Sherlock Holmes archive? Try nine stories below Minneapolis, in the rare book collection at the University of Minnesota. Sarah Lemanczyk descends for a visit.

The World

Encyclopedia Brown

Arts, Culture & Media

Forty-eight years ago, Donald J. Sobol put sneakers on Sherlock Holmes and set him in small-town America. Produced by Studio 360’s Derek John.

The World

Sherlock Holmes as Hamlet

Arts, Culture & Media

Robert Downey Jr., who stars in the new movie Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, is the latest actor to take on this iconic role. Guy Ritchie, the film’s director, says Holmes’ persona is an even divide between enigma and accessibility.

How Britain is Making it Easy for Chinese Tourists to Spend Money

Chinese tourists are outspending almost all other international visitors to London.