Economy of New York City

Eric Holder’s legacy still up for debate

Global Politics

As the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, will Eric Holder be remembered best as the man who eased up on drug sentencing, the man who refused to prosecute financial institutions, or will his legacy be marked by other accomplishments or failures?

$5.7 Trillion in Shares Locked Up During Glitch at Nasdaq

Investigation finds SEC regularly exempting Wall Street banks from fraud penalties

New Yorkers trying to save lower Manhattan’s history as Little Syria

Global Politics

Recent Bloomberg ruling a blow for working moms

Should Wall Street execs from Goldman Sachs be put on trial?

Global Politics

Executives from the Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs stand accused of lying to Congress, but so far, there’s little indication that they’ll stand trial.

$150 billion in aid for top insurer AIG

The U.S. government is bailing out insurance giant AIG again — the Treasury Department announced it will buy preferred stock in AIG.

Unemployment and credit card debt

Americans have racked up $14 billion dollars in credit card debt in June alone — why unemployment might be to blame.

Citibank hackers expose lack of safety, regulation


Banks are often focused on old ways of stealing credit cards, instead of new computer hacks. And the government hasn’t caught up with appropriate regulations.

Karen Peetz on Breaking the Glass Ceiling

All this week we’re talking to women and mothers about the real struggles of making a full life fit into a career or vice versa. At home Karen Peetz is a mother of two, and at work she’s the president of BNY Mellon, a multinational bank and financial services corporation with over $1.4 trillion in […]