Economics of coffee

An espresso machine with coffee beans from around the world featured in the background.

Drought, frost takes a massive toll on coffee crops in Brazil

You may see coffee prices rising at your local café: Brazil, the world’s largest exporter of coffee, faced extreme weather this year that has taken a toll on coffee crops across the nation.

Protesters with signs stand in front of a Starbucks storefront.

Low coffee prices are starving farmers. Can a cartel fix it?

Over the past year, Mokhtar Alkhanshali, who lives in California, has worked with Yemeni coffee farmers to promote their beans to the world.

This young Yemeni American is on a quest to bring coffee from the ‘land of Mocha’ to the world


When money’s tight, the $6 latte is one of the first things to go for South Koreans

The World

Down on the Coffee Plantation

The World

Ethiopian Java Crisis

The coffee bean was discovered in Ethiopia more than a thousand years ago. Since then, coffee has become the leading export of the east African nation. But a surplus of coffee beans on the world market has caused the prices to drop so substantially that Ethiopian farmers are having to look for other ways to […]

Scarlet Tanagers are among the songbirds threatened by loss of habitat on conventional coffee plantations. The bird-friendly coffee movement is pushing to make growing beans for one of the world's favorite beverages more hospitable for birds and other wil

Bird-friendly’ coffee

Arts, Culture & Media

A recent study found that 13 percent of the world’s birds are either threatened or endangered. Among the causes is coffee. But there are efforts afoot to change that.