Dutch people

The World

Why do so many people in the Netherlands work part-time? Because they can


When it comes to part-time work, the Netherlands is the capital. Part-time policies have gotten more women into the workplace, but now some women are finding they’re hitting a Dutch glass ceiling.

Anger and contradictions in the Tea Party

Global Politics
The World

Driving Dutch in France

The World

Citizen Science Goes Dutch

Netherlands Divided Over Angolan Teen Asylum Seeker Mauro Manuel

Conflict & Justice

Dutch Transgender Law Violates Rights

Conflict & Justice

Human Rights Watch is asking the Dutch government to amend its Civil Code.

The World

My America: Alexandra Pelosi and Michiel Vos

Arts, Culture & Media

In honor of July 4th we’re talking with influential Americans all week about what patriotism and America means to them. We’re calling the series “My America.” Today we talk with Michiel Vos and Alexandra Pelosi.

Gecko Tape

Geckos are lizards with amazing stickiness, thanks to millions of tiny hairs that line their feet. Host Steve Curwood talks with Andre Geim, a scientist at the University of Manchester, who has modeled a dry adhesive tape on the gecko’s extraordinary ability.

Gecko Tape

Geckos are lizards with amazing stickiness, thanks to millions of tiny hairs that line their feet. Host Steve Curwood talks with Andre Geim, a scientist at the University of Manchester, who has modeled a dry adhesive tape on the gecko’s extraordinary ability.

World Summit on Sustainable Development

The World Summit on Sustainable Development is expected to draw more than 60,000 people to South Africa at the end of the month. Host Steve Curwood speaks with Jan Pronk, special UN envoy to the summit, about what to expect from the talks.