Dust Bowl

American Icons: “Migrant Mother”

Arts, Culture & Media

Before it became the all-purpose image of hardship, Dorothea Lange’s famous portrait was just one of hundreds she shot to document poverty in the Depression.

American Icons: Migrant Mother

Arts, Culture & Media

Trees that helped save America’s farms during the Dust Bowl are now under threat


New Ken Burns documentary looks at Dust Bowl, ‘worst sustained environmental disaster’ in U.S. history

Arts, Culture & Media

Farmers struggle as historic draught diminishes crop yields

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about…the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, as documented in John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath” and in songs by Woody Guthrie.

The World

Big Thirst in West Texas

Going into its third year, comparisons are being made between the depression era dustbowl and the big drought circa 1996 in western parts of Texas. Producer Sandy Tolan lets us hear from some of the old timers who are experiencing a sense of deja vu as cattle and crops die off in the relentless heat, […]

Dustbowl Warning

The U.S. Forest Service warns that the Pacific Northwest is in for yet another season of drought conditions which could lead to dust storms and fires.