Deval Patrick

Mass. governor allows in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants

Global Politics

Massachusetts becomes the latest state to tell undocumented immigrants meeting certain criteria that they will be eligible for in-state tuition under the same guidelines as documented Massachusetts residents.

New research finds Massachusetts a leader in energy conservation


Meet Massachusetts’s Newest U.S. Senator

Black Politics in ‘Post-Racial’ America

Governor Deval Patrick On Health Care’s History

Global Politics
The World

Massachusetts governor names a new senator

Global Politics

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is expected to appoint former Democratic National Committee Chairman Paul G. Kirk to fill Sen. Ted Kennedy’s vacant seat later this morning. Frank Phillips of the Boston Globe joins us with the details of the nomination.

The World

Push to Fill Kennedy Seat in Massachusetts

Conflict & Justice

Massachusetts will hold a special election in January to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate vacancy, but Governor Patrick is pushing to fill the seat in the interim. The Takeaway talks to Frank Phillips, State House bureau chief for the Boston Globe.

The World

Filling Kennedy’s Senate Seat

Conflict & Justice

Massachusetts is being pressured to pass a bill that would give Governor Patrick the authority to name a temporary replacement for Senator Kennedy. Timothy Murray, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, tells The Takeaway about the bill’s progress.