Democratic Party presidential primaries

The World

Can black voters tip the scales for the democrats?

Conflict & Justice

William Boone, professor of political science at Clark Atlanta University, says that while it’s impossible to expect the same black voter turnout as 2008, it will still be higher than previous midterm elections.

Historian reflects on George McGovern’s enduring impact on presidential politics

Global Politics

Bill Clinton delivers rousing speech to fired up Democratic National Convention crowd

Global Politics

Early votes and election outcome

Global Politics

Day Two at the DNC

Global Politics

Hillary Clinton calls for unity at DNC

Global Politics

In her highly anticipated speech, Hillary Clinton asked the reluctant among her followers to unite behind Barack Obama.

‘The Takeaway’: Split decisions

Global Politics

In Indiana, Hillary Clinton managed a razor-thin victory; in North Carolina, a decisive victory for Barack Obama.

Top of the Hour: A Vote on Debt Deal Still Pending, Morning Headlines

President Obama announced that there is still “work to be done” with the debt deal. Today, Capital Hill will vote on the proposal as congressional leaders rally their respective caucuses.

The World

Harkin Profile

Jon Greenberg reports on the environmental record and program of Democratic presidential candidate Tom Harkin.

The World

The end of the road? A tough candidate and a tough decision

Global Politics

Hillary Clinton has vowed to stay in the race, even as she faces difficult delegate math. Is it wise for her to drop out of the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination? When and how might she do it?