Dam removal

Elwha River Dam 4

How ‘clean power’ dams actually damage the environment


Hydroelectric dams are a great way to generate electricity, but that power may not be as clean as you think. Dams also disrupt ecosystems and species and can even pump methane into the atmosphere.

Fish restoration project complicated affair on Washington’s Elwha River


New effort to dismantle aging U.S. dams aims to improve wildlife habitats

The World

Removing Dams in Maine

The World

Undamming the Elwha

The World

Anniversary of Edwards Dam Removal

It’s been a year since the removal of Maine’s Edwards Dam, and environmentalists, scientists and fishermen alike have noted dramatic improvements in and around the Kennebec River. The success of the project is seen as a model for river restoration across the country. Naomi Schalit (NEIGH-OH-MEE SHUH-LEET) of Maine Public Radio reports.