Conspiracy theorists

Norway’s right-wing extremists have evolved

The targets of right-wing extremists in Norway have moved from immigrants to politicians.

Multiculturalism failed, say European leaders

Anders Breivik influenced by anti-Muslim bloggers

Norway responds to Glenn Beck remark

The World

Norway Massacre Trial Nears Conclusion

Conflict & Justice

One Survivor Speaks Out: What it Means to be an Ethnic Minority in Norway

Global Politics

The World’s Laura Lynch takes a look at what it is like to be an ethnic minority these days, before and after mass murderer Anders Breivik went on his rampage.

Breivik Trial: How Multicultural is Norway?

Conflict & Justice

Right-wing extremist Anders Breivik said at his trial that Oslo is a “multicultural hell”. He said some neighborhoods have become no-go zones. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Daniella Van Dijk-Wennberg, of Oslo’s Intercultural Museum.

The World

Norway Attacks Trial: Defendant Says He Would Do It All Again

Conflict & Justice

The man who killed 77 people in bomb and gun attacks in Norway last July has boasted of his actions in a statement at his trial in Oslo. Anders Breivik said he would do it all again and asked to be acquitted.

Anders Breivik Trial Begins in Norway

“I don’t recognize Norwegian courts because you get your mandate from the Norwegian political parties who support multiculturalism.” Those were the first words that accused mass killer Anders Breivik directed to the court in Oslo where his mass shooting trial began today. Breivik admitted to killing 77 people on July 22nd, but is pleading not […]

Norwegian Mass Murderer Anders Breivik Declared Insane

Can brain chemistry explain or excuse some kinds of criminal behavior? The Takeaway speaks to Michael Gazzaniga about his new book, Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain.