Confidence tricksters

Bernie Madoff and his wife attempted suicide, Ruth Madoff reveals in interview

Global Politics

In interviews with 60 Minutes and the New York Times, Ruth Madoff admitted for the first time that she and Bernie Madoff attempted suicide shortly after his Ponzi Scheme began to unravel.

Madoffs Attempted Suicide After Confession

Should DSK Have Made Bail?

Conflict & Justice

SEC and Madoff: A Conflict of Interest?

Conflict & Justice
The World

The Fed’s New Crackdown on Ponzi Schemes, Big and Small

Conflict & Justice
The World

One year after Madoff’s arrest

Hard to believe, but it’s been one year since Ponzi scheme ‘mastermind’ Bernie Madoff was arrested for scamming over $50 billion from investors. We thought it’d be the perfect time to check in and see how Madoff’s victims and associates are doing.

The World

Takeouts: the 2% option?, Bernie Madoff, World Series

Global Politics

Washington, business, and sports Takeouts for November 2nd, 2009. From The Takeaway.

The World

SEC: We Blew It on Bernie

Conflict & Justice

S.E.C. Inspector General David Kotz released a report stating that the agency had missed numerous opportunities to bust Bernie Madoff and his 16-year Ponzi scheme. The Takeaway talks to David Scheer, S.E.C. reporter for Bloomberg News.

The World

Writing (another) Book on Madoff

Arts, Culture & Media

The sixth book on the life of convicted Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff hits bookstores today. The Takeaway speaks to Motoko Rich, who covers the publishing industry for The New York Times, along with author and journalist Erin Arvedlund.

The World

Show Us the Money: Getting Payback for Madoff Victims

Conflict & Justice

Bernie Madoff was sentenced yesterday to the maximum term of 150 years, but what can his victims do to get some of their money back? Diana Henriques, a senior financial writer for The New York Times, has been following this story and joins The Takeaway.