Clinical psychology

Doctor suggests social media may be cause of a viral twitching disorder

Health & Medicine

Doctors treating the case of nearly 20 teenagers with a bizarre outbreak of a twitching disorder in upstate New York say that the symptoms may be spreading through social media. However, some doctors are offering a different explanation of the cause of the illness–an autoimmune disorder called PANDAS.

How to spot a psychopath

Arts, Culture & Media

Nature in psychotherapy

Health & Medicine

History and psychology of shoplifters in ‘The Steal’

Arts, Culture & Media

The DSM and Mental Health in America

What Can We Learn from Psychopaths?

The next time you find yourself alone with a psychopath,  Kevin Dutton  says that rather than running for cover, maybe you should take notes. Dutton is the author of “The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success.”Dutton says he wanted to write this book to debunk the myth that psychopathy […]

Feeling Sad: Beyond the Winter Blahs

The winter blahs are a serious problem for some people in northern climates, and the condition even has a medical name  ? Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Clinical psychologist Gila Lindsley discusses possible therapies, including light and medications, with host Steve Curwood. Dr. Lindsley specializes in sleep disorders and has a practice in Lexington, Massachusetts.

The World

Health Note

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a study about how mild depression among the elderly can affect their immune system.

The World

Health Note

Living on Earth’s Maggie Villiger reports a study that suggests eating fish may help reduce the risk of depression.

The World

Health Update

Living On Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on how the level of social disorder in your neighborhood may contribute to your level of depression.