Climate finance

The Nehr-i-Khayyam drainage ditch in Karachi, Pakistan, where sewage and trash collect and can impede the flow of stormwater.

‘The system is broken’: At COP27, developing countries push for more money to adapt to climate change

Climate Change

Some climate change impact is now unavoidable. At the COP27 climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh this month, developing nations have been pushing for more funding, canceled debt and changes to the global financial system to help them address the funding gaps they face in dealing with climate change.

A setting sun near a smokestack.

Luxembourg takes the lead on climate finance 

The Big Fix
President Joe Biden speaks about Russia in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, April 15, 2021, in Washington.

Biden’s Earth Day summit tests US, global commitment to slowing climate change

Climate Change