
A female North Atlantic Right whale entangled in fishing gear

North Atlantic right whales are shrinking in size as they struggle to survive environmental havoc


North Atlantic right whales face a number of threats from climate change, vessel strikes, and entanglements in fishing gear, and scientists estimate that fewer than 400 remain. Now researchers have discovered that because of these stresses, the whales are smaller than they should be, which could be leading to fewer successful births.

Sperm whale defecating near photographer Keri Wilk

A Canadian photographer captures images of a whale ‘poopnado’


Will orcas be put on display at Sochi?


Welcome to Sochi?

Global Scan

Right whale born in cold North Atlantic waters beats odds, survives winter


NOAA maps the noise pollution we don’t hear, under the sea


Imagine having to shout over incredibly loud noise in order to communicate with someone close by. For whales and other ocean animals that rely on echolocation sonar to communicate and locate food, noise pollution created solely by humans has taken a toll.

New research reveals human-like speaking ability in beluga whale


Nearly 30 years of research was revealed last week when neurobiologist Sam Ridgway went public with his evidence that a particular beluga whale had learned to make himself speak like a human. The revelation has caught the scientific community by surprise.

Scientist discover critical role sea otter play in climate change


Sea otters are popular stars at the local zoo, but they might also be important tools in the battle to combat climate change. New research shows the cuddly little creatures have a big job in keeping kelp forests alive and well and removing carbon from our atmosphere.

Environmental, indigenous groups accuse Navy of damaging marine mammals


Environmental and indigenous groups have banded together to sue the Navy and the National Marine Fisheries Services for harming marine mammals with sonar. According to the plaintiffs, the Navy’s military exercises have fatally impacted federally protected species. Now they are calling for limits on the Navy’s access to this biologically rich area.

Ocean noise may threaten dolphins, whales

Human activity is raising the noise levels in the ocean, which could threaten the lives of dolphins and endangered whales.