Catholic sex abuse cases

Marie Collins (2nd from right), who served as a memer of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, watches as Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley (right) speaks during their briefing at the Holy See’s press office at the Vatican in Rome on May 3,

The Vatican is ‘all words, no action’ on addressing child sex abuse


Marie Collins was sexually abused as a child by a Catholic priest in Ireland. In 2014, she joined the Vatican’s commission for the protection of minors, hoping to help make changes. Now, she has resigned in frustration.

The World

Vatican letter told Bishops not to report child abuse

Lifestyle & Belief
Pope Francis

The UN criticizes the Vatican over its handling of child abuse cases

Lifestyle & Belief
Colm O'Gorman

It’s only a start, but the Vatican testimony is encouraging for one abuse victim

Conflict & Justice
Pope Francis

A UN committee on children’s rights grills the Vatican over clergy sexual abuse

Lifestyle & Belief

Abuse victims demand newly discovered Catholic Church funds

Lifestyle & Belief

Within the 6,000-plus pages of documents released by the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee is evidence that Archbishop Timothy Dolan moved money that may have gone to victims of childhood sexual abuse into a fund for cemetery care. Dolan calls the charges “old and discredited attacks.”

The Pope accused of crimes against humanity

Lifestyle & Belief

The Pope and other top Vatican officials accused of crimes against humanity for the cover-ups of sexual assaults by Catholic clerics worldwide.

Abuse Victims Accuse Pope of Crimes Against Humanity

Two American advocacy groups representing victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court, asking it to investigate Pope Benedict and three other top Vatican officials for covering up the rape and sexual assault of children by priests. It is unclear whether the ICC has jurisdiction over this […]

The World

Church sexual abuse cases rock Europe; one lands in Indiana

Lifestyle & Belief

Hundreds of sexual abuse cases against Catholic priests have been surfacing in Ireland over the past weeks and the Pope said he will address the crisis in a repentance letter tomorrow.

The World

The Chicago Catholic Church settles sex abuse claims, but has it reformed?

Global Politics

The Archdiocese of Chicago agreed to a $12.7-million settlement six years after the first Catholic Church sex abuse scandal broke. Despite the Pope’s call for change, has the church addressed this problem? Guest: Kevin Eckstrom, editor Religion News Service