
cat on a chair

Desperate pet owners turn to illegal drug markets to cure a rare cat virus 

Health & Medicine

If a cat contracts feline infectious peritonitis, a chronic wasting disease, it is almost always fatal. A pharmaceutical company, however, developed a recipe for a cure. Global drug manufacturers are now marketing off-label versions of the medication — and cat owners say it works. 


London police say ‘serial cat killer’ does not exist

Tama wears a stationmaster's cap of Wakayama Electric Railway at the Kishi station on the Kishigawa line in the city of Kinokawa, in Wakayama prefecture.

Update: A new stationmaster cat has been selected after the passing of a much loved calico in Japan

At Meow Parlour in New York, you can hang out with cats while you drink your coffee. But you have to make a reservation.

At New York’s cat café, you can drink coffee and commune with cats — as long as you have a reservation


VIDEO: Thailand’s flooding leaves thousands of pets stranded in Bangkok

The World

Fish Farm Food or Dog Treats?

For the month of April, Earth Month, we look back at a Living on Earth story and then catch up with our sources for an update. This week we hear a story about using leftovers from a college cafeteria as a source of food for tilapia fish grown in an aquaponic system.

The World

Slideshow: Tel Aviv’s Feral Cat Population Out of Control


A recent study from Tel Aviv University, estimated around 39,000 of them live in Tel Aviv. Most street cats in Israel only live to be one or two years old. But despite their sadly short lives, they still manage to reproduce at amazing speed.

Science Note – Cats Illuminate HIV Research

By inserting monkey genes resistant to the virus, along with jellyfish genes into feline embryos, scientists are using glowing cats to find treatments for HIV and AIDS.

Frozen Zoos

At the Audubon Institute for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans a domestic house cat gave birth to an African wildcat whose embryo had been frozen and then implanted in the house cat’s womb. Host Steve Curwood speaks with Director of Research, Dr. Betsy Dresser about this procedure as a safety net for endangered […]

The World

Living With Big Cats

A mysterious cat, the eastern cougar, is making a comeback in the United States one hundred years after being hunted to near extinction. As commentator Chris Bolgiano (bowl-gee-AHN-o) explains, the big cats’ return means some soul-searching for residents who must learn to live with the truly wild animal.