Cannabis laws

Here’s a new way to track the tastes of the young and tech-savvy

Global Scan

Uber is a car service, hired through a mobile app, that is gaining popularity for those young and on the move. Now you can see exactly where they go. Meanwhile, in Russia, the young and tech-savvy founder of the country’s leading social network is also on the move. He fled and says he was canned for failing to fall in line with the Kremlin. All that and more, in today’s Global Scan.Uber is a car service, hired through a mobile app, that is gaining popularity for those young and on the move. Now you can see exactly where they go. Meanwhile, in Russia, the young and tech-savvy founder of the country’s leading social network is also on the move. He fled and says he was canned for failing to fall in line with the Kremlin. All that and more, in today’s Global Scan.

The World

Could legalizing medical marijuana boost the economy?

Conflict & Justice
Sebastian Castro teaches a workshop on how to plant marijuana from trimmings in preparation for the new rules that would allow consumers to have up to 6 plants at home if they get licensed.

Pot growers in Uruguay come out of the shadows

Global Politics

Uruguay becomes the first nation to oversee a fully legal marijuana market

Conflict & Justice

A Call for Medical Marijuana Research in the Caribbean

Arts, Culture & Media

In Uruguay, raft of political changes defy political labels

Global Politics

Uruguay’s new left-wing government has introduced a host of new laws, regarding marijuana, abortion and same-sex marriage. They’re hot topics of discussion and, surprisingly, often the reactions people have defy political labels.

Court OKs Netherlands ban on foreigners using famous marijuana cafes

Global Politics

The Netherlands is moving to ban foreigners from the coffee shops that have become famous for selling legal marijuana. Locals will still be able to visit, but a court on Friday approved a national ban on outsiders being served in the cafes. Some government officials and shopkeepers, however, are upset by the new ban.

Governors ask feds to reclassify marijuana as medicine; government balks

Health & Medicine

Two governors want the federal government to “down-schedule” marijuana as a drug with approved medical uses. But the Health and Human Services administration is resisting. Opponents of down-scheduling say there are marijuana-based medications already on the market that are safe and effective.

DEA declares marijuana has no medical use

Global Politics

What the DEA’s recent ruling could mean for medical marijuana dispensaries.

The Evolution of Marijuana Culture

Marijuana regulation has changed radically over the last few years. Voters in Washington State and Colorado legalized marijuana in the 2012 election, and, with a prescription, almost any Californian can walk into a dispensary and buy the substance. With changing policies come new challenges regarding the economics and culture of marijuana.   First, a regulatory angle. […]