Cannabis in the United States

The World

Could legalizing medical marijuana boost the economy?

Conflict & Justice

So who benefits financially from the legalization of marijuana? And could legalizing and taxing the drug be a good way to boost local and state economies? Ryan Nerz joins us now to talk about these issues.

The Evolution of Marijuana Culture

Marijuana Ballot Initiatives In Washington and Colorado Raise Legal Questions

What Does Legal Marijuana Mean for Washington and Colorado?

Ballot Measures Mark Change in States

Governors Petition to Reclassify Marijuana

The Governors of Washington and Rhode Island are petitioning the federal government to reclassify marijuana. Why? And will it matter? The Takeaway speaks to a former White House drug advisor.

The World

DEA declares Marijuana has no medical use

Global Politics

The Drug Enforcement Agency has ruled that marijuana has no acceptable medical use. It is the third time that a petition to reclassify marijuana has failed. Justin Elliott of Salon has the latest on the story.

The World

California’s Prop 19: the politics and practicality of Marijuana prohibition

Conflict & Justice

In California, voters are going to decide on Proposition 19, a ballot initiative that would legalize the use of marijuana for non-medicinal purposes. For more on the politics and the practicality of Prop 19 we speak with Bruce Cain and Maia Szalavitz.

The World

Marijuana: the (legit) 21st century cash crop?

According to a new study, Americans now broadly support the legalization of medical marijuana. But even in places where most people are fine with the use and sale of medical marijuana, public concern persists. We explore this issue in Denver.

The World

Immigrants facing harsh sentencing for minor infractions

Conflict & Justice

When Jerry Lemaine was told to plead guilty to possessing a misdemeanor amount of marijuana, he didn’t realize that it would result in his deportation to his family’s home country of Haiti. Why such harsh penalties on non-citizens for minor infractions?