Budget Control Act

Politicians surprise, reach bipartisan agreement on six-month budget extension

Global Politics

With an election just a few months away, U.S. elected officials reached an agreement on how to fund government operations through the end of March. The bipartisan agreement surprised many, as budget decisions in recent years have led to protracted negotiations.

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Top of the Hour: Boehner Tries to Sell Debt Plan to Tea Party, Morning Headlines

Top of the Hour: Parties Showdown Over Debt Ceiling, Morning Headlines

Top of the Hour: Contingency Plan Emerges in Debt Deal, Morning Headlines

After talks collapse between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, Democrats and Republicans will release separate plans to raise the debt ceiling before the August 2 deadline. That and this morning’s other headlines.  

As Debt Deadline Nears, Partisan Proposals and a Potential Contingency Plan Emerge

Democrats and Republicans will this morning release their separate plans to raise the debt ceiling before the August 2 deadline. But only one plan can pass and Congress is running out of time. The lack of time has thrown a spotlight on the 14th amendment, which some say would allow President Obama to increase the […]

Top of the Hour: Budget Talks Reach a Stalemate, Morning Headlines

A bipartisan deal on the budget seems to be at an impasse after rank-and-file Republicans forced House Speaker John Boehner to retreat on a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan.

Top of the Hour: Obama Attempts to Revive Budget Talks, Morning Headlines

President Obama today is trying to revive the chances for a sweeping budget agreement to reduce the nations’ deficit after negotiations broke down yesterday. House Speaker John Boehner announced he would push for a deficit reduction deal of only $2 trillion dollars, half has much as the White House had been proposing in recent days.