Brain tumor

Joseph Riedel in recovery

Finding humor wasn’t so easy for this screenwriter in recovery


Finding the humor in his situation hasn’t been easy for for a screenwriter recovering from brain surgery, but it did give him ideas to use in a film called, “A Good Sense of Tumor.”

Cell phone use and cancer

Health & Medicine
The World

Glioma: Senator Kennedy’s Cancer

Health & Medicine
The World

‘Cyberchondria,’ or when a little medical knowledge is a dangerous thing

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

An audio history of long-serving senator Ted Kennedy

Global Politics
The World

Kennedy surgery

Health & Medicine

After “successful” surgery, Senator Kennedy’s prognosis

The World

Cellular worries


Cell phones may be hazardous to your health. The science is inconclusive but some states want to require warning labels on cell phones. David Carpenter is director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.