
Berry Growing Garden Spot

Host Steve Curwood gets advice on how listeners can grow their own berries at home from Living On Earth’s garden expert, Michael Weishan.

The World

Wendell Berry Poem

The World

Wendell Berry Poem

The World

Wendell Berry Poetry Reading

The World

A Poetry Reading by Wendell Berry

The World

Bears and Berries

The competition for autumn berries is another example of how loss of habitat has created conflict between bears and people. Bears both intrigue and frighten humans in Alaska, according to commentator Geo Beach. Poet and author Geo Beach is at work on a book about Alaska called: “Light at the End of America.” He comes […]

The World

From the Living on Earth Profile Series #8: Wendell Berry: Philosophical Farmer

Farmer-philosopher Wendell Berry has written some thirty books. Most of them deal with issues firmly rooted in Berry’s native rural Kentucky. John Gregory of member station KFPL in Kentucky spent some time with Berry and has this profile.

The World

Geo answer: 10 Foods To Eat Before They Die

Arts, Culture & Media

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz is Transylvania, Romania. The region boasts some of the best jams – some of them include ingredients that are considered to be endangered foods. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with British food expert Simon Preston, who’s organizing a special banquet called “10 Foods To Eat Before They Die.” Preston says he wants to highlight some of the world’s “vanishing delicacies.”