
A grizzly feeds on dead salmon at the end of their spawning run in a river in British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest. Hunting grizzlies was banned throughout the vast region late last year.

British Columbia has a flourishing grizzly bear tourism industry


After a long fight, First Nations groups in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest have won a ban on hunting grizzlies in the area. Now, instead of grizzly hunts, they’re trying to build an ecotourism industry based on bear viewing and local native culture.

Facebook saved these bears from a life in captivity


Facebook saved these bears from a life in captivity


Iran and US agree, but on what exactly we’re not sure

Global Scan

Buffalo zoo about to take polar bear cub population from one to two


Researchers suggest supplemental feeding as a potential solution to save polar bears


The rapidly melting sea ice in the Arctic is threatening the livelihood of polar bears and their prey. In response, a group of researchers is suggesting a program of supplemental feeding as a potential solution.

What’s behind the grizzly bear attacks in Yellowstone?


Grizzly bears killed two people last year in Yellowstone National Park. After 24 years of no deadly encounters, many people were left wondering what caused the fatal attacks. Some said global warming had depleted the bears’ normal food sources. Others say the answer is much simpler.

Secret of rare ‘spirit bear’ revealed by First Nation community


A First Nation community in British Columbia hopes exposing the rare white black bear will help protect the species from threat of a planned oil pipeline project.

The World

Swimming Polar Bear

An encounter with a polar bear swimming among ice floes impresses writer Mark Seth Lender and leaves him with a deep respect for the massive arctic carnivore.

Endangered Species Gain More Protection

CITES, the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species recently met in Bangkok, Thailand. Several species of sharks received unprecedented protection but the international community declined to give more protection for the polar bear.