
The US SKI Team men wear armbands and tape on their helmets to honor Ronnie Berlack and Bryce Astle

The US Ski Team returns to the slopes a day after an avalanche kills two promising young skiers


Can you imagine losing your teammates — in any sport — and then having to compete the very next day? That’s what happened to the US Ski Team.

A helicopter rescues stranded trekkers along the Annapurna Circuit trail in Nepal on October 16, 2014.

Rescuers airlift hikers to safety after a deadly blizzard hits the Himalayas


Report from Rescue Site of Kashmir Avalanche

Mountains in British Columbia

The World

Avalanche – Logging Connection

The World

Catalogue Avalanche

Commentator Janet Reynolds tells us how to put a stop to all those unwanted post-holiday catalogues.