Australian Greens

Germany’s Pirate Party a political force of 20-somethings

All 15 candidates of the Pirate Party are now part of the Berlin state government, and they plan to legalize marijuana, expand the Internet and leak all government activity.

The World

Video: Young Geek Appeal in German Politics

Global Politics
The World

In Australia, left & right slug it out over a planned carbon tax

The World

German Greens Going Mainstream

The World

The Rise of the New Mexico Green Party

Not that Easy Being Green

Steve talks about the prospects for the new California Green party with social historian Morgan Kausser of the California Institute of Technology. Kausser says there hasn’t been a truly successful alternative party in the US since the Republicans in the 1850’s, and that the California Greens face a tough challenge, whether they pursue a narrow […]

The World

Canadian Greens Vie for Votes

The environment takes center stage in Canada’s elections– with a Green Party leader taking part in televised debates for the first time.

Environment 2004

The environment is not at the top of the list of most voter concerns this election year. But Jeff Young reports some Democrats are betting that Bush’s environmental record will motivate enough people on Election Day to make a difference. Host Steve Curwood talks it over with former Clinton Administration official Carol Browner and Republican […]

Green Party Momentum

The Green Party held its national convention in Philadelphia earlier this month. Party members and candidates for November elections gathered to discuss the party’s role in several key races. Tatsha Robertson of the Boston Globe talks with host Steve Curwood about the political role of the Greens.

Spying on the Greens

Even environmental organizations aren’t immune to spy operations. Host Steve Curwood speaks with Maurice Chittenden of the Sunday Times in London, who broke the story that British Petroleum and Shell hired a spy organization to find out the plans of the environmental organization Greenpeace.