
Ancient Monkey: Newly Discovered Primate Sheds Light on Primate Origins

Arts, Culture & Media

A mouse-sized fossil from China has provided remarkable new insights into the origin of primates. At 55 million years old, it represents the earliest known member of this broad group of animals that includes humans.

The World

Of Great Apes

The Bear Went Over…To the Pharmacy

The Bear Went Over…To the Pharmacy

The Make Love, Not War Species

The Make Love, Not War Species

Bonobos, members of the great ape family, have very elaborate, and unique, social and sexual behaviors.

Eating Apes

The hunting of apes for food is a long-established tradition for certain tribes in the Congo Basin. In recent years, bushmeat has become an increasing source of food for loggers, and a delicacy in some African cities. Host Steve Curwood speaks with Dale Peterson about his book on the bushmeat crisis called “Eating Apes.”

Threat to Gorillas

Our closest primate relatives the apes are headed for extinction — and being hunted for their meat is the most immediate threat to ape survival. Conservation ecologist Dr. David Wilkie talks with host Laura Knoy about the “bush meat” trade.