
Climate change environmental teen activist Greta Thunberg participates in a climate strike rally and looks down at a placard

A psychotherapist explains why some adults are reacting badly to young climate strikers

When people attack Greta Thunberg for not showing emotion or for showing too much of it, perhaps there’s an inkling that the severity of the climate crisis demands a great deal of painful and complicated emotions, and they’d rather not think of them.

Man sitting on bench in front of sweets shop, looking off camera

Immigration limbo is a ‘tug of emotions.’ It’s also a mental health issue.

Fidget spinner

Fidget spinners have been banned in some classrooms, but kids will still fidget

A new multiple launch rocket system is test fired in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang March 4, 2016.

Some Americans are panicking about North Korea. Here’s why South Koreans aren’t.


Stanford professor reveals the art of procrastination in new book

Arts, Culture & Media

Financial worries on the brain

Neuroeconomics, the study of fear-driven impairment on the brain’s ability to function affects how we deal with financial troubles.

‘This is Your Brain on Poverty’


‘Living on Earth’ reports on research suggesting that the stress of poverty may lead to problems with memory and language skills.

Saving Ourselves- The Green Boat

With so many stories about global climate disruption, species extinction, and habitat loss, it’s no wonder that many people are feeling eco-anxiety these days. Mary Pipher’s newest book is called . It’s all about how we can save the earth and restore our mental health at the same time.

Can a Math Museum Remedy ‘Math Anxiety’?

It may not surprise you to learn that American students dread math.   Or that that they feel that dread physically through stomachaches, headaches, fluttering heartbeats and sweaty palms. Many Takeaway listeners have been sharing their own tales of math-induced terror: Listener Aman writes, “I have failed every single math class I have ever taken. I […]

The World

Music Heals

Arts, Culture & Media

After piano music helped him recover from brain surgery, Dr. Richard Fratianne became a true believer in music therapy.