Ambassadors of the United States

The French, European Union, and British Flags.

How rich people like Gordon Sondland buy their way to being US ambassadors – 5 questions answered

Global Politics

Many US ambassadors are untrained in diplomacy who have bought their way into a prestigious post, writes Dennis Jett, professor of international affairs at Pennsylvania State University.

The World

Former Top Diplomat Cautions Egypt Might Go the Way of Syria

Global Politics

Former Ambassador Ryan Crocker’s Personal Take on Serving the United States in Conflict Zones

Conflict & Justice

Senior American Officials Call For Policy Change on Iran

Ambassador Charles Rivkin and American Diplomacy in Paris Suburbs

US Ambassador to Finland Goes Great Guns

Global Politics

Bruce Oreck is the US Ambassador to Finland. He also happens to be a former professional body-builder. And now, Oreck is flexing his diplomatic muscle on the cover of Finland’s ProBody magazine.

The World

US Ambassador to Libya Opens New Embassy in Tripoli

An American flag was raised over the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli last week for the first time since the end of Moammar Gadhafi’s rule in Libya. With the flag came the return of the U.S. Ambassador Gene Cretz. Cretz was the first ambassador appointed to Libya by the U.S. in 36 years after George W. […]

The World

US Ambassador in Kabul Reflects on 9/11

Global Politics

Veteran diplomat talks about how the events of 9/11 shaped his career.

The World

Fighting over the family fortune

Conflict & Justice

Anthony D. Marshall was recently convicted of stealing from his mother, New York philanthropist Brooke Astor. The Takeaway addresses the topic of inheritance. Is it important to talk with your family, early on, about what you want to happen after you die?

The World

Interview with Ambassador Crocker

Global Politics

Ryan Crocker was US ambassador to Pakistan from 2004 to 2007. Marco Werman talks with Crocker about the challenges for the US in Afghanistan and Pakistan.