
New peanut allergy tests points to great over-diagnosis in kids

Health & Medicine

As many as 12 percent of kids test positive for allergies to some of the most common food allergens, like peanuts. But a new, more accurate test reveals that many of those allergies are actually to a pollen, and not the dangerous food allergy that parents fear.

WIFI causes headaches, chronic pain for some

Health & Medicine

Allergic reaction to climate change

Health & Medicine

West Virginia Provides Haven for People ‘Allergic’ to WIFI

The World

Emerging Science Note/Better Breathing Babies

Understanding the Asthma Epidemic

Host Steve Curwood discusses the urban asthma epidemic with Dr. Mike Lenore, head of the Allergy Service at San Francisco General Hospital.

Understanding the Asthma Epidemic

Host Steve Curwood discusses the Asthma epidemic with Dr. Mike Lenore, head of the Allergy Service at San Francisco General Hospital.

The World

Gulf War Vets – The Battle at Home

Wade Goodwyn reports from Dallas, Texas on a number of Gulf War veterans suffering from debilitating illnesses. Doctors at the Environmental Health Center say the vets developed a severe allergic reaction to the chemicals and oil smoke they were exposed to in the Gulf War. For some vets, the symptoms, also known as Multiple Chemical […]

Allergic Reaction to Climate Change

As temperatures rise, so do pollen counts and populations of stinging insects.

Allergic Reaction to Climate Change

As temperatures rise, so do pollen counts and populations of stinging insects.