
Algiers Live In-Studio

Arts, Culture & Media

The band performs live and explains why their politically charged album is more than just a reaction to Trump.

One former soldier recalled the sight of livestock wandering around abandoned villages. Their owners had fled and left them behind. Sofiane Zouggar made these haunting images.

Algerian artists are ‘exposing the scars’ of the country’s recent civil war

Algeran artists exchange ideas at BOX 24, an artist collective in Algiers.

Algeria’s contemporary artists strive to make their own space

Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika casts his ballot during the presidential election in Algiers April 17, 2014. Algerians voted on Thursday in the election Bouteflika is expected to win after 15 years in power.

Algeria’s presidential election is less revolution and more ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’

Global Politics

Canadians Involved in Algerian Al-Qaeda Attack

Lifestyle & Belief

Why Algerians Shudder at the Mention of ‘Arab Spring’

Conflict & Justice

The January hostage siege at Algeria’s In Amenas gas field has only deepened Algerians fear of militant Islamist, says Time magazine’s Vivienne Walt.

Military Operation Ends at Algerian Gas Facility with Uncertain Outcome

Conflict & Justice

Early Thursday, the Algerian government forces launched an operation to try and free the hostages, some of whom are Americans. The operation apparently began when Algerian forces fired on a militant convoy that was carrying some of the captives.

No Arab Spring for Algerians Going to the Polls

Global Politics

Algeria is holding parliamentary elections. The country’s military-backed government describes them as the most open and transparent for decades. But Algerians aren’t rushing to the polls, according to Financial Times correspondent Borzou Daragahi.

Africa’s Newest Subway System

We’re looking for the home of the world’s newest metro for the Geo Quiz. This rapid transit system has been in the works for 30 years.

Is Algeria next?

Conflict & Justice

Marco Werman talks with Karima Bennoune, a professor of international law and human rights at Rutgers University, about Algeria and whether it is likely to be a part of the “Arab Spring”.