Agricultural soil science

A man reaches up to plants

How are we going to feed ourselves when there are 10 billion people on the planet?


A technology-based method of growing produce inside year-round, without soil or sunlight, could be part of the solution. 

British photo showing White House cake to celebrate War of 1812

For the British, burning the White House 200 years ago is cause for a cake and sparklers

Global Scan
No-till farming

Old-school farming methods could save the planet

The World

Perennial Wheat

Wes Jackson: Prairie Revolutionary

The World

No Till, Less Toil, More Soil

Mark Moran from member station WOI reports on a farming technique that helps prevent erosion and is also cost-effective. Many farmers in Iowa are switching to no-till farming, which helps reduce erosion and costs less in labor and equipment. Others are developing alternative techniques which they say are even more efficient.

The World

Duck Egg Rescue

Cover crops return fertility to the soil and keep it in place, but trouble arises when birds decide to nest there.

The World

Precision Agriculture

Instead of kicking back during the winter, many farmers are now keeping busy  ? at the computer. They’re using global positioning systems to do what’s called “precision agriculture,” which uses satellite coordinates to help map their fields. As Minnesota Public Radio’s Jeff Horwich reports, the use of this technology is helping to make planting crops […]

The World

Precision Agriculture

Instead of kicking back during the winter, many farmers are now keeping busy ?at the computer. They’re using global positioning systems to do what’s called “precision agriculture,” which uses satellite coordinates to help map their fields. As Minnesota Public Radio’s Jeff Horwich reports the use of this technology is helping to make planting crops a precise […]

The World

Geo Answer/Global Hit

Arts, Culture & Media

We’re looking for the largest river in Tanzania in today’s Geo Quiz. The answer is the Rufiji River.
We’ll stay in Tanzania for the Global Hit, but it’s a group based far from the river. They’re called the Pommern Village Choir, and they sing about their need for fresh water in their town.