Affordable housing

Apartment buildings in the Mitte borough of Berlin were photographed from the capital's television tower, April 4, 2019.

Berlin tenants undaunted by recent court ruling that undoes a rent cap

A German court has ruled that a rent freeze introduced by the Berlin state government in 2019 was unconstitutional. Tenants’ organizations in Berlin say they are taking their campaign for a rent cap nationwide.

Jenny Stupka

Berlin politicians and property investors tussle over rent freeze

A woman works out with apartment buildings behind her

How single women are driving gentrification in Hong Kong and elsewhere

a man mixes cement in argentina

Prefabricated homes may fix Argentina’s housing crisis — and put builders out of work

German Hipsters Not Winning Friends in Berlin

Lifestyle & Belief

Berlin Wall squatters

Berlin Wall squatter development, Lohmule, may be a model for sustainable urban living today.

Public housing and crime rates

Global Politics

A controversial exploration of the connection between public housing demolition and rising crime rates.

The World

Come Live With Me?

Reporter Dan Grossman thought he might like to live in an affordable housing community and set out to explore the world of “co-housing.” Co-Housing is a blend of 1960’s commune-living idealism with 1990’s condo realism. Built in to this process from the start is the idea of agreed sharing in a planned community of neighbors. […]

New Lead-Free Rules: Get the Lead Out

According to new federal right-to-know regulations, all leases and sales contracts need to include information on known lead hazards; homes may be tested before purchase; and pamphlets on testing are to be provided to tenants. David Jacobs, Director of the Office of Lead Hazard Control at HUD (Housing and Urban Development) speaks with Steve Curwood […]

The World

Come Live With Me?

Reporter Dan Grossman thought he might like to live in an affordable housing community and set out to explore the world of “co-housing.” Co-Housing is a blend of 1960’s commune-living idealism with 1990’s condo realism. Built in to this process from the start is the idea of agreed sharing in a planned community of neighbors.