Adaptation to global warming

El Niño from NOAA

The current El Niño may hold lessons for how to deal with a warming planet


As scientists have been predicting since 2014, a powerful El Niño in the Pacific ocean is triggering extreme weather events and changes in weather patterns around the world. Some climate scientists are saying the lessons learned from this El Niño could help the world cope with the weather changes we can expect from climate change.

Boreal forest fire

In the ‘new North,’ forest fires are permanently altering the landscape


Research suggests global warming related to increased violence


Global Weirding

A Changing South Africa  ? Part Four

The World

Climate Change, part 1

When most people think of global warming they picture melting arctic glaciers. But New York City is also affected by the warming of the world’s climate. Our hour long documentary uncovers emerging evidence that climate change is already having an impact on New York. Despite the early warning signs, the program shows that the city […]

The World

Climate Change, part 1

When most people think of global warming they picture melting arctic glaciers. But New York City is also affected by the warming of the world’s climate. Our hour long documentary uncovers emerging evidence that climate change is already having an impact on New York. Despite the early warning signs, the program shows that the city […]

The World

Copenhagen conference’s ‘last call’ for the case of global warming

Global Politics

At a science conference in Copenhagen this week,American, British and other European scientists will present latest scientific findings on climate change. This is in part an attempt to encourage an international climate treaty in December in Copenhagen.