Acid house

Pakistani women have new tools to fight disfiguring acid attacks

Conflict & Justice

Pakistani women are often attacked by acid, which leaves burns at best and can kill at worst. But laws have been changed recently, to help women get justice when attacked. But even with those changes, there’s still a long and costly road to justice for victims.

Acid attacks on the rise in Uganda

In Pakistan, Women are the Target of Disfiguring Acid Attacks

Conflict & Justice

“Saving Face”: An Oscar-Winning Look at Acid Attacks in Pakistan

The World

Acid Attacks on the Rise in Uganda

Conflict & Justice

Indian Origins of the American “Acid House”

Arts, Culture & Media

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with freelance writer Stuart Aitken about a nearly 30-year-old song out of India, “Ten Ragas to a Disco Beat,” that seems to be the precursor to the very American sound “Acid House.”