‘Taken 2,’ ‘The Paperboy’ slated for box office debut this weekend

Arts, Culture & Media

When the movie Taken was produced a few years ago, it would have been hard to predict a sequel could be made. But it has been, and it’ll be joined by The Paperboy in new releases this weekend.

New summer movie imagines a Civil War — with vampires

Arts, Culture & Media

American soldiers have left Iraq, but Iraq hasn’t left America’s soldiers

Bass, banjo, and the Indian tabla come together

Arts, Culture & Media

Sad songs say so much

Arts, Culture & Media

Work and the meaning of life

Arts, Culture & Media

With millions of jobs lost, philosopher Alain de Botton reflects on why we work, and how we find meaning in our work.

Cambodian film up for Oscar

Arts, Culture & Media

The documentary “The Conscience of Nhem En” is up for an Oscar this year; it is about a young soldier during the Khmer Rouge who took photos of thousands of people before they were tortured and killed.

Western e-waste dumped in Africa


Increasingly, used electronics are winding up in Africa, and Africans are paying a price – with their health.

Unpredictable 2008

Global Politics

“The Economist” looks back at predictions they got wrong for 2008, including the economy and the presidential election.

IMAX film about marine migration: “Wild Coast”

Arts, Culture & Media

Film documents massive migration of sardines that brings predators of all kinds together along the southeastern tip of the African continent.