19th-century theatre

Richard Wagner’s 200th birthday passes with little notice in the U.S.

Arts, Culture & Media

Richard Wagner’s music was widely celebrated in the United States for nearly a century, until it became inextricably linked with Nazism in the mid-20th Century. In late May, Wagner’s 200th birthday passed — and it did so with almost no fanfare.

How to read like a writer

Arts, Culture & Media

‘Hitler’s Composer’: Why an Israeli is Rethinking Wagner’s Music and Legacy

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

True Story: Keeping Memories Safe

Arts, Culture & Media

Finnish Singer Mirel Wagner Takes Inspiration from the Blues

Global Hit

Despite Privacy Concerns Germany Conducts Census

Global Politics

Germany is conducting its first census since becoming a unified country. But many Germans remember the bad old days, and they’re suspicious of a government collecting information on them. Shant Shahrigian has the story from Bonn.

The World

Small Business Commentary

Byron Kennard of the Center for Small Business and the Environment, says states such as California need to look no further than small businesses if they want to cut down on energy costs.

Almanac: Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle

This week, facts about Richard Wagner’s monumental opera, the Ring Cycle. Set in the Rhine, it’s a tale of love, loss and deception among the dwarves of the forest.

Almanac: Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle

This week, facts about Richard Wagner’s monumental opera, the Ring Cycle. Set in the Rhine, it’s a tale of love, loss and deception among the dwarves of the forest.

The World

The United Nations estimates more than 150,000 people displaced in Georgia

Global Politics

Guest: Pascal Meige-Wagner, from the Eastern European Desk of the International Committee of the Red Cross