
Siblings Erika and Dwayne Bermudez comfort one another during a short viewing of their mother, Eudiana Smith, at The Family Funeral Home, May 2, 2020, in Newark, New Jersey.

The pandemic has disrupted how we grieve. The effects could be long-lasting.

Lifestyle & Belief

The nature of the coronavirus has interrupted many rituals of mourning, from visiting the bedsides of the dying to holding funerals. That could lead to mental health impacts down the line, says psychiatry professor Dr. Harvey Chochinov.

For the men’s World Cup, Canada ryegrass seed was exported to Brazil. Why wasn’t it used for the women in Canada?

A polar bear checks out the Tundra Buggy

Now you can zoom in on polar bears using Google Street View


In Syria, 2014 looks to be more of the same

Global Scan

Stay classy, Winnipeg! Ron Burgundy is coming to town


How do you outfox a fox?

Global Scan

People in the UK are getting fed up with foxes, and they’re going tech-savvy to try and drive them off. Meanwhile, Santa’s causing trouble in the Netherlands.

VIDEO: Canadian university students program robot to play hockey

Arts, Culture & Media

In Canada, infants are practically born with hockey sticks in their hands. For a one-year-old robot, the results are practically the same. Meet Jennifer, believed to be the first robot programmed to play hockey.

Rocking Drummer Boy Big Hit On YouTube

Arts, Culture & Media

Sean Quigley, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, performed and filmed his own version of the classic Christmas song, “Little Drummer Boy” and posted it on YouTube. To his shock, the video has had over a million hits.

The World

Charming the Snake Pit

North of Winnipeg, Manitoba, the town of Narcisse, Canada is home to one of the greatest natural spectacles on earth. For a few weeks every spring, 3 giant limestone pits holding about 45 thousand snakes seethe with thousands of mating, red-sided garter snakes. Naturalist and Living On Earth Commentator Sy Montgomery was there to witness […]

The World

The Snake Scientist

For eight months of the year, garter snakes in Manitoba, Cananda, hibernate underground, stacking themselves one on top of the other, like cordwood. Only for a few weeks each year do they come out of hiding to answer the call of the wild. It doesn’t take very much for these snakes to whip themselves into […]