Yossi Klein Halevi

Most Palestinians married to Israelis barred from receiving Israeli citizenship

A law passed by the Israeli legislature recently barred Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens from receiving their own Israeli citizenship. That means they can be forced to leave at any time, and cannot drive or work. Now Lana Khatib and her family are at risk.

Obama administration urges Israelis to embrace diplomacy with neighbors

Israel’s new legislative initiatives raise concerns

The World

No Israeli Citizenship for Palestinian Spouses

Conflict & Justice

Obama Administration: Israel Should Do More to Mend Fences With its Neighbors

Lifestyle & Belief

Israel Rejects Anti-Israeli Committees

Global Politics

Israeli parliament rejects a bill that would have set up committees to investigate human rights group accused of “anti-Israel” activity.

The ‘Arab spring’ in Israel

Global Politics

The World’s Matthew Bell reports that Israelis are anxiously watching events in the Middle East. What many in the west laud as an “Arab Spring” appears deeply disturbing to Israelis, who worry about what uncertainty lies ahead.