Steven Johnson

Bad is the New Good

Arts, Culture & Media

In his new book, Everything Bad is Good For You, Steven Johnson argues that many of our guilty pleasures, like primetime TV and video games may actually be enhancing our cognitive abilities — NOT making us dumber or slower. Kurt asks Steven how media junkfood, might really be nutritious.

The Creative Class Isn’t Dead Yet

Arts, Culture & Media
Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy, wave to crowds from their limousine during Reagan's first inauguration parade in 1981.

How air conditioning got Ronald Reagan elected president

The World

Flash forward: The future of innovation in a post-Steve Jobs era

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Steven Johnson on ‘Where Good Ideas Come From’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

‘Information Ubiquity’ Connects Swine Flu and the Kindle

Experts said our interconnected world was going to make outbreaks like H1N1 far worse than those that came before. But author Steven Johnson says that information spreads faster than people do, and that’s what will keep us safe.