Sheryl Gay Stolberg

Washington Post Sale: The End of a Family Dynasty?

Is it the end of one of America’s greatest newspaper families? The Washington Post, one of the country’s oldest newspapers and bastions of investigative journalism, announced on Monday that is selling ownership of the paper to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos for $250 million. It seems that Bezos, a man whose business has conquered Washington State, […]

The G8’s hopes for a global climate treaty

The World

Polling trends leading to election day

Global Politics
The World

The President talks to congress, America

Global Politics
The World

Auto industry back in the spotlight as Obama steps up and Wagoner steps down

Global Politics
The World

President-elect Obama begins the transition, visits the White House

Global Politics

‘There will be quite a lot of tension in this meeting today because they have different world views.’ ? Sheryl Gay Stolberg, the New York Times