Ralph Nader

Third party candidates

Global Politics

Ron Paul is no longer running for President, but he brought together third party candidates to raise the profile of their long-shot campaigns.

The World

Ralph Nader and Campaign ’96

The World

Ralph Nader for President? – The Green Party Ponders

The Nader Factor

Green Candidate Speaks

Green Future

Host Steve Curwood talks with John Rensenbrink of the American Association of State Green Parties about Ralph Nader’s role in the presidential race. The Green Party candidate effected the outcome of the election, but did not hit the five percent vote threshold needed to qualify for federal funds in the 2004.


Living On Earth dips into our mailbag to hear comments from listeners about our interview with presidential candidate Ralph Nader.

The World

A Vote for Nader

Commentator Brain Tokar lays out reasons why a vote for Green party candidate Ralph Nader is not a wasted vote.

Ralph Nader

Host Laura Knoy talks with Green Party presidential nominee Ralph Nader about his campaign platform and why he is running as a third party candidate.

Ralph Nader Runs

Host Steve Curwood talks with Micah Sifry, a journalist writing a book about third party politics in the U.S., about Ralph Nader’s latest bid for the White House, the Green Party campaign supporting him and what the Greens hope to accomplish win the field of electoral politics.