Naomi Arenberg

Veto supporters rally in front of the White House on February 24, 2015, the same day President Barack Obama vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada.

Keystone XL opponents find the FBI at their doors


Some activists who took part in environmental protests against the Keystone XL pipeline and other projects have attracted the attention of the FBI. They and their lawyers say the government is simply following a decades-old playbook of intimidation.

The World

Sustainable Shrimp Farming

The World

Science Note: A Plant With Oily Leaves

The World

Science Note

The World

Science Note/New Organs On Demand

The World

Science Note: A Plant With Oily Leaves

Writing in The Plant Cell, the journal of the American Society of Plant Biologists, researchers report that they have engineered a plant to produce oil in its leaves. They hope to increase biofuel production and create more nutritious animal feed.

The World

New Energy for New Bedford

The port of New Bedford, Massachusetts was “the city that lit the world”, when whale oil was the chief fuel for lamps. Those days and most of the whales are long gone – but New Bedford has ambitions for a new and more sustainable energy future. Solar and insulation efforts are moving ahead ashore as New Bedford also readies its port to serve offshore wind power development.

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

York, England is the answer to today’s Geo Quiz. The city is celebrating the centuries old tradition of rapper sword dancing this weekend. Producer Naomi Arenburg sent us an audio postcard of the Clownfish Rapper Sword Dancers of Cape Cod, Massachusetts doing their thing.