Michelle Bachelet

A man holds a child as they watch a dance performance at the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi in western China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Leaked Xinjiang police files are a ‘devastating’ glimpse of abuses against Uyghur detainees in China, expert says

Human rights

Darren Byler, who specializes in China’s treatment of Uyghurs at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, discussed insights from the leaked data with The World’s host Marco Werman.

A woman is shown holding back a curtain and entering a salon with painted over pictures of women on either side of the doorway.

UN warning of Taliban actions and impending humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Top of The World
President Biden in a blue suit and First Lady Jill Biden in a purple, green, yellow and black dress walk past Marine One

US launches airstrikes targeting Iran-backed militias

Top of The World
Two large four and five storey buildings are shown in the distance with a parking lot and a grove of trees in the near ground.

Biden calls for probe into origins of COVID-19

Top of The World
Several young people are shown in shadow standing with the sun setting behind them in the distance.

UN: Ethiopia’s conflict has ‘appalling impact on civilians’

Conflict & Justice
Murals for DC's Chilean terror attack

A state-sponsored terror attack struck DC 40 years ago — and the proof is finally coming out


Newly declassified files accuse the Pinochet regime of carrying out an attack in Washington in broad daylight 40 years ago. A car bomb killed Chile’s former foreign minister, Orlando Letelier, and a young American woman, Ronni Moffitt.

Chilean man’s brutal murder resets the conversation about gay rights

Conflict & Justice

Chile’s Daniel Zamudio died more than a year ago in Santiago. Now, his sadistic murder is a rallying point for Chileans trying to push for gay rights.

At Rio+20 Summit, little actual disappointment over lack of progress


As the global economic crisis has consumed more and more time and attention, focus on the global warming crisis has waned. So it wasn’t surprising when President Barack Obama chose not to attend the Rio+20 conference this week in Brazil, and it also was unsurprising when there was little progress reported there.

UN Leader for Women on Nobel Peace Prize Winners

Global Politics

Michelle Bachelet was the first woman president of her country and is now head of the new UN organization devoted to women.

The World

Chile’s new president Sebastian Pinera takes office

Global Politics

Chile’s new president Sebastian Pinera will be sworn in today, inheriting leadership of a government and a country still in natural disaster recovery.