Marci Alboher

Good news: some industries still hiring

There is still such a thing as a growth industry — look for jobs in accounting, advertising and health fields.

Job tips for a tough economy

The World

Work: finding a job and becoming a do-gooder

The World

Looking for Work? Get a Job-Search Buddy!

The World

Despite a tough economy, some industries are still hiring

The World

Getting to ‘You’re hired’ by any means necessary

Blogger Marci Alboher says there is promise for those pounding the pavement in this slumping economy, but it may not come from the traditional job hunting methods. She joins us with some true stories about people who are finding work in creative ways.

The World

Marci Alboher: slashing by necessity

Marci Alboher is a freelance writer/journalist/author/blogger/speaker who focuses on career and workplace trends. She talks about how to diversify your career portfolio in these tough times.

The World

Finding opportunity out of underemployment

Roughly 6.4 million American workers are underemployed. In a few days the Department of Labor will post new underemployment numbers that are likely to be even higher.

The World

‘Shifting Careers’ blogger offers tips for tough economy as job options shrink

Wall Street has taken a serious beating. Not only is the economy up for grabs, but jobs are too, especially for anyone working in the financial sector. The Takeaway offers tips from Marci Alboher, who writes the New York Times’ ‘Shifting Careers’ blog.